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Digital transformation has become a critical driver of success across industries, but it’s a common misconception that technology alone holds the key to effective change. In fact, 70% of digital transformation efforts fail due to people-related challenges (McKinsey, 2021). True transformation isn’t just about adopting new technologies; it’s about reshaping the entire business, starting with its most valuable asset—its people.

When organisations introduce new technologies, it creates a ripple effect that requires shifts in people’s roles, behaviours, and the overarching culture. From entry-level employees to C-suite executives, everyone plays a role in driving—or hindering—this transformation. Research shows that organisations with a strong focus on employee engagement are 21% more profitable (Gallup, 2020). This means that any successful transformation must begin by addressing the needs and aspirations of individuals.

For meaningful transformation to occur, individuals must understand the personal benefits of change. As Peter Drucker said, “The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence—it is to act with yesterday’s logic.” To succeed, employees need to see the uplift that transformation offers—whether it’s career growth, skill development, or greater job satisfaction. Change starts with shifting mindsets and preparing individuals for the roles they aspire to take on.

True transformation doesn’t happen in isolation. Individuals benefit greatly from structured support—whether it’s coaching, mentoring, or professional development programs. Research shows that employees who receive ongoing training are 24% more likely to meet their performance targets (Harvard Business Review, 2022). Organisations that invest in personal development see individuals who stretch beyond their limits and drive innovation across the business.

The real key to successful transformation lies in people. “Change is the end result of all true learning,” as management consultant Leo Buscaglia once said. This rings true for organisations, which must ensure their people are learning and growing along with the digital tools they adopt. By creating strategies and allocating budgets for personal development, organisations empower their teams to become the best versions of themselves.

Ultimately, transformation isn’t just about technology. It’s about investing in the people who make the technology work. When organisations commit to supporting their employees through personal development, they unlock creativity, performance, and loyalty. This is where the real power of transformation lies—elevating people to elevate the organisation.

Author: Dr. Isaac Enakimio
Knowledge Incorporated
…Enhancing Efficiency and Productivity
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